Thank you for your interest in moderating an Education Session! As a moderator, you will be responsible for speaker introductions, session announcements and assisting speakers, as needed. For a copy of details and moderator instructions, please click here. In return for your assistance, AIHce will publish your name, photo and bio on the conference website.
To search for a session, please visit the event search page, select “Education Session” as the type and click “search”. If you do not see a moderator listed, the session should be open.
Assignments are made on a first-come, first-served basis. Please complete the request form below and once processed, you will receive an email confirmation of your assignment and further instructions.
All assigned moderators must be an active AIHA or ACGIH member.
*AIHA reserves the right to cancel a session due to speaker schedule conflict. Unfortunately, if a session is canceled, AIHA cannot guarantee an alternate moderating assignment.