Promote Your Attendance


Have you registered as an attendee, a speaker, a sponsor, or an exhibitor? Well, show us what you got: spread the word through social media!

You can use your normal social media posting as an opportunity to promote your attendance, session, presentation, or exhibition at AIHce EXP. The more you post, the more attention you’ll bring to your sessions/booth space, and to AIHce EXP in general.

You can use the icons below in your posts, or even use it as your avatar/profile picture. We’ve also created custom cover photos for use on your personal or company Facebook page. (Right-click on the image and select “Save image as…”

Social Media Tips

Social media sites are great venues to not only promote your session/attendance, but also to engage with fellow attendees. When posting on any social media channel (AIHA uses Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube) about AIHce EXP, use #AIHce and include the name of your session/presentation. Don’t forget to link back to the conference website You may also include AIHA’s Twitter handle (@AIHA).

  • Twitter Example: I’m a speaker at #AIHce! Take a look at my PDC, Welding: Identifying Exposures and Controls @AIHA.
  • Instagram Example: Create a short 30-second video to “tease” your session.
If AIHA includes you in a tweet or response from their social page, go ahead and retweet, favorite, and/or like it so that your colleagues can see it!

We suggest posting once a week or every two weeks about speaking at AIHce EXP, for consistency. Mix up your wording so it doesn’t become repetitive. If you’re a Twitter user, with your handle, as we are compiling attendee and speaker lists for AIHce EXP. This will also allow us to easily add you to any messaging AIHA sends out via that service.

Promoting Your Presentation Outside of Social Media

Outside of social media, there are numerous other opportunities to promote your presentation at AIHce EXP:

  • Request that your company newsletter include a small blurb about the event and your session. You may use the wording and content from the “Why AIHce” portion of the conference website.
  • Using the conference banner, email your colleagues and contacts to notify them of your session at AIHce EXP 2017.
  • Incorporate the AIHce EXP promotional PowerPoint slides into your next presentation.

Suggested Guidelines


There are several guidelines provided by the Federal Trade Commission regarding disclosure material. We have provided the following links for reference if you choose to promote your session through your own channels.

  • Answers to questions people are asking about the FTC Endorsement Guides, including information about disclosing material connections between advertisers and endorsers.
  • FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION 16 CFR Part 255; "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising"
  • Additional FTC guidelines on digital disclosures.

Social Media Badges


​Right click over the image you wish to download and select Save Image As...


Exhibitor Banners, Timeline, and Cover Badges

​​Right click over the image you wish to download and select Save Image As...